Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the ACS Clothes Dryer ACS Clothes Dryer gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 63
When a fault condition occurs, the screen displays an “Alarm Banner” showing the time, date
and a brief description of the alarm. Optionally, the control will sound a klaxon and turn on an
alarm lamp. The alarm banner, klaxon and lamp do not distinguish between critical and non-
critical alarms. The klaxon can be silenced and the alarm lamp turned off by pressing the “Push
to Silence” button on either the alarm banner or alarm history display. However, depending on
the customer’s setup, the klaxon and lamp may repeat after a pre-set time if the alarm condition
still exists.
If a dryer critical fault occurs then either a “Process Fault Push to Reset” or a “Regen Fault
Push to Reset” button appears on the overview displays. Press the button to restart the failed
system once the nature of the alarm is understood and corrected.
If a drying hopper critical fault occurs then disable and re-enable the drying hopper once the
fault has been corrected.
Alarms generally take the following forms:
If something should be “ON” and it’s “OFF” or vice versa.
o Blower Motor Overloads should always be “ON”.
o Heater isolation contactors should be “ON” when the heaters are in use and OFF
If a value is less than a pre-set limit.
o Process supply air temperature low deviation alarm.
If a value is greater than a pre-set limit.
o Dryer high dew point alarm.
Alarm List
The following list describes all the alarms the control can detect. In general, those described as
faults are critical and will shut down the process, regen, or both subsystems. Alarms and alerts are
Closed Loop Valve Position Alarm
Dewpoint Senser Error Alarm
High Dewpoint Alarm
Main Air Valve Position Fault
Process Air Blower Safety Fault
Process Air Dirty Filter Alert
Process Heater Temp Safety Fault
Process Heat High Temp Safety Fault
Process Heat High Deviation Fault
Process Inlet Sensor Error Fault
Process Outlet Sensor Error Alert
Process Low Deviation Alarm
Right Regen Heater Temp Safety Fault
Right Regen Heat High Deviation Fault
Right Regen Heat Low Deviation Fault
Left Regen Heater Temp Safety Fault
Left Regen Heat High Deviation Fault
Left Regen Heat Low Deviation Fault
Left Regen Heat Sensor Error Fault
Regen Air Blower Safety Fault
Controls 44